On 18/02/2014 14:40, Roy Marples wrote:
I don't have a huge problem with RSS as it looks to be possible to
subscribe to all ticket changes which is great for me as a repo admin.
It's also possible subscribe to an individual ticket RSS.

However, using the default skin I don't see an easy way to do this.
This makes it hard to use.
Would it be possible to add a RSS button to the timeline and the
ticket pages? Thinking about it, each page could have one and the link
is filtered based on the filtering for the page.

Here is a patch which adds a RSS feed icon after the ticket uuid.
Probably not the best way of doing it, but I couldn't think of another way which would allow the user to use a different icon to match their skin.

Maybe just "RSS Feed" as a menu item would be better?


Add a RSS feed icon to the ticket view.

--- src/tktsetup.c.orig	2014-02-20 10:23:13.000000000 +0000
+++ src/tktsetup.c
@@ -437,13 +437,13 @@ static const char zDefaultView[] =
 @ <table cellpadding="5">
 @ <tr><td class="tktDspLabel">Ticket&nbsp;UUID:</td>
+@ <td class='tktDspValue' colspan='3'>$tkt_uuid
 @ <th1>
 @ if {[hascap s]} {
-@   html "<td class='tktDspValue' colspan='3'>$tkt_uuid "
-@   html "($tkt_id)</td></tr>\n"
-@ } else {
-@   html "<td class='tktDspValue' colspan='3'>$tkt_uuid</td></tr>\n"
+@   html "&nbsp($tkt_id)"
 @ }
 @ </th1>
+@ &nbsp;<a href="$baseurl/timeline.rss?tkt=$tkt_uuid"><img src="" alt="RSS feed icon" /></a>
+@ </tr></td>
 @ <tr><td class="tktDspLabel">Title:</td>
 @ <td class="tktDspValue" colspan="3">
 @ $<title>
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