Thus said Richard Hipp on Thu, 17 Apr 2014 11:33:59 -0400:

> > Would  that  be  a  valid  strategy?  Couldn't  we  end  up  with  a
> > partial state  which we can't work  from until the pull  finishes to
> > completion?
> >
> The logic (in manifest.c) is designed  to be able to deal with partial
> state transfers. I'm not saying there  are definitely no bugs, but I'm
> pretty sure it does work.

I've  made  some  changes   on  the  per-round-trip-commit  branch  that
implement what  you suggested, but I  believe I've run into  a potential
bug---though  perhaps  introduced by  my  most  recent changes.  It  now
successfully  COMMITs  with  each  round-trip and  if  I  interrupt  the
transfer  the next  time I  pull, it  only gets  those things  that were
missed in the previous sync. This part works great as far as I can tell!

However,  with checkin  [1317331eed] it  now allows  errors that  happen
during the  http_exchange to actually  be returned  to the caller,  so a
network failue will also result in a COMMIT (rather than a fatal error).
It seems  that this latter  behavior introduces (or uncovers)  a serious

While  the sync  operation was  running,  if the  network connection  is
killed at  just the right moment,  the sync operation does  indeed fail,
but then the last set of changes gets committed and the update continues
as follows:

$ fossil up
Autosync:  http://amb@remote:8080/
Round-trips: 11   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 101
server did not reply
Pull finished with 16512 bytes sent, 16267948 bytes received
Autosync failed
content missing for file.77
UPDATE file.1
REMOVE file.77
updated-to:   57487563d6208c04cbbeee3efa0280cb9166000a 2014-05-05 03:37:46 UTC
changes:      100 files modified.

Now, I may think  that my repository is in a good state,  but it is not,
as one file is entirely missing,  and fossil update will not restore it.
If  I do  another update,  Fossil  shows that  the rest  of the  missing
artifacts were  pulled down,  but it  still does  not restore  the files
reported as having missing content.

Also, it  does not even  show that this file  is missing (e.g.  either a
MISSING file.1,  nor a DELETE  file.1), and if I  make a change  (say to
file.1)  and then  checkin, the  commit actually  includes file.77  as a
DELETED file even though there was  no visual indication that this event
would occur.

I even tried a  rebuild and it still will not  restore the missing file.
If I close/open the local repository it actually does finally bring back
the file:

$ fossil op ../clone.fossil 
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   /tmp/clone/../clone.fossil
local-root:   /tmp/clone/
config-db:    /home/amb/.fossil
project-code: 43748f4be07be41523019a2c4532effbc3f5a02f
checkout:     57487563d6208c04cbbeee3efa0280cb9166000a 2014-05-05 03:37:46 UTC
parent:       a2330f3775d7a939d9f0dd448bca639c1208505d 2014-05-05 03:30:47 UTC
leaf:         open
tags:         trunk
comment:      three (user: amb)
checkins:     4

Notice that  the UUID matches  that which  was received during  the sync
operation . Any ideas what might be going on here? Somtimes I've seen as
much as 75% of  the files end up with ``content  missing.'' If I compile
without  [1317331eed] this  particular problem  doesn't happen,  and all
http_exchange errors  are treated as  fatal which result in  an eventual
ROLLBACK of the current round-trip.

What have  I missed? Perhaps  with the per  round-trip commit it  is not
really necessary  to also  have a  COMMIT if the  network drops  that is
implemented in [1317331eed]?


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