Thus said Stephan Beal on Wed, 14 May 2014 17:47:43 +0200:

> 'mv'     (for     reasons     i    do     not     understand)     sets
> vfile.origname=vfile.pathname  where  vfile.origname   IS  NULL  (that
> caused me a bit of greif in libfossil,  as i have to work around it in
> several places).  i _suspect_ that the  vfile table is ending  up with
> two  entries with  the  name foo.txt  in origname,  and  that that  is
> confusing it.

This is the first  time I've looked at the merge code  and it appears to
be doing things correctly with respect to the MERGE/RENAME of foo.txt to
foobar.txt, but it doesn't then handle the  new foo.txt as a new file to
be ADDED. I'm not sure if that's  because the rid is missing from the fv
table or  if it just  doesn't know  how to identify  it due to  the name
being the same.

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