On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:10 PM, Andy Goth <andrew.m.g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 5/14/2014 2:05 PM, Joseph Prostko wrote:
>> I've encountered the problem you mentioned about highlighting, but
>> admit I'm not sure if I'd like to see the brackets go away.
> I didn't suggest removing them from the display, only making them be
> outside of the clickable link.
> Current : <a href="whatever">[foo]</a>
> Proposed: [<a href="whatever">foo</a>]

Indeed, I admit I got confused by Stephan's initial response, which
actually said exactly what you suggested initially.  I might have to
work on my reading comprehension skills, as I think it started a
cascade confusing everyone else.

I definitely like your suggestion and wouldn't mind it being
suggested.  In fact, I think I would prefer it.

- joe
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