Oooh, all of this sounds *really* interesting and exciting:

On 22 May 2014, at 2:25 am, Stephan Beal <> wrote:

> [...] That, of course, is possible, and some people here have done up some 
> impressive skins, [...]

Where can I find some of these? - I had a quick look through the repositories 
at 'Chisel', but found only 3 skins there. 

> You might also find the JSON API useful, as it basically emulates as many of 
> the CLI/HTML pages as it can, using a JSON interface.

Wow! That would be fantastic!

> You need to build Fossil with the --json option for that to be enabled, [...]

I'm afraid that recompiling is a bit beyond me... 

This would be such a MAJOR feature! Please tell me that it's close to final...

Being able to access Fossil repo data via JSON could be used not only to create 
new web interfaces, but also to create platform-specific GUIs using RAD tools 
like 'LiveCode" ( Wow!!!

> Once again, many thanks for the information, and for welcoming me into the 
> Fossil community.
> My pleasure. This is what i do for fun when i'm not in the mood to code ;).

You're a great ambassador ;-)

Kindest regards,

Igor Couto
Sydney, Australia

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