On May 27, 2014, at 7:55 PM, Joel Bruick <j...@joelface.com> wrote:

> Richard Hipp wrote:
>> I think that's an HTTP thing.  In a URL, spaces are encoded as "+".  
> It's really an HTML form thing [1] that only applies to the query portion of 
> the URL. In the path component, we technically should be percent-encoding 
> spaces and leaving any instances of "+" alone, which would then allow you to 
> reference such files normally.
> That's a much more involved fix that offers very little value, though. Just 
> file this under "the more you know.”

Actually, I just came up with a use case where you want Fossil to handle + 
without URL-decoding it.

If you have foo.md containing with something like this:

   ...but for more on that, see [the VC++ README](README-VC++.md).

and you link to it with a doc URL, you want the generated HTML to link to 
README-VC++.md, not to “README-VC  .md”.

You can make it create the right link by replacing the + signs with %2b, but 
that makes foo.md harder to read in a text editor.  One reason to use doc URLs 
in the first place is that you want to refer to documentation files you will 
ship as part of your distributed source code, so you don’t have to have their 
content in two places.
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