On 5/30/2014 11:23, Stephan Beal wrote:

a) pi is using an external USB 2.0 drive here because compiling anything
on a SD card is just too pokey.

Rotating media or SSD?

Did you use the same external HDD on the laptop, or did it have an unfair advantage in its internal drive?

b) These "f-xyz" calls are the libfossil CLI tools:

I saw the caveat about networking on your f-commit tool, but does it work with local repositories? If so, would you try that test, too? I speculate that f-acat and f-commit model a huge chunk of everyday command line Fossil use.

I hope you were doing all of these tests locally, and not introducing the network as a confounding factor. The RPi NIC is only 100 Mbit/s. Even if you don't saturate it, packet latency will still be higher than GigE.

- f-acat rid:1
pi: 0.34s
laptop: 0.17s

Interesting, only about 2x slower. Not even that much, if I'm right in guessing that you have some confounding variables.
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