On 6/5/2014 04:35, Kevin Martin wrote:

2) Get them to email you the clone

My Fossil DB file is currently only 1.4M, but that's only because I didn't bother importing the previous 10 years of history into it. If I had chosen to do that, I expect the file would be bigger than the 10-20 MB message size limit of many email systems.

Many mailing lists are even more restrictive about the size of attachments.

Fossil itself currently costs 54 MB per clone. A large patch might be a few 10's of kB. 3 orders of magnitude difference per changeset.

Steps 3 to 5 can be written fairly trivially I think, as a script.

I gave a GUI method in my first message, but that only because most things in Fossil seem to have a GUI option. For myself, I only care about the command line workflow. The only GUI bit I care about is seeing the bulge in the timeline view.

My initial worry would be how to deal with commit messages that
reference tickets, apart from that I think it should be fine.

Why would that be a problem? The outside contributor is starting from a clone of the main repo, so shouldn't they get a copy of the tickets and thus their IDs? If they mark a ticket closed in their copy, I don't see why that wouldn't replay into the main repo during "fossil apply".

It does complicate the idea of temporary branches, of course, since pruning the branch would have to undo the closing of the ticket.
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