I've added a new comment printing algorithm on the 'experimental' branch.

By default, it uses the existing algorithm.  The --comfmtflags option can
be used to enable the new algorithm.

The goals of the new algorithm are to preserve the existing formatting
already present within the comment itself while honoring line length
limitations.  The new algorithm does not try to be overly smart; however,
it is capable of performing line breaks on word boundaries (when that
flag is enabled).

I'm looking for some feedback and/or suggestions on how to improve it.
With the --comfmtflags command line option, there are three flag values
that may be combined (from the comments in the comformat.c file):

     COMMENT_PRINT_LEGACY (1): Forces use of the legacy comment printing
                               algorithm.  For backward compatibility,
                               this is the default.

 COMMENT_PRINT_TRIM_SPACE (2): Trims leading and trailing spaces where
                               they do not materially impact formatting
                               (i.e. at the start of the comment string
                               -AND- right before each line indentation).
                               This flag does not apply to the legacy
                               comment printing algorithm.

 COMMENT_PRINT_WORD_BREAK (4): Attempts to break lines on word boundaries
                               while honoring the logical line length.
                               If this flag is not specified, honoring the
                               logical line length may result in breaking
                               lines in the middle of words.  This flag
                               does not apply to the legacy comment
                               printing algorithm.

Joe Mistachkin

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