
I am in the process of moving from git to fossil.  

My question is about how many repositories to use for a particular project.

A summary of my use case:

- Single developer, but, may from time to time (once a year) have someone else 
I work with want to contribute.  And those contribs are usually small.
- I alter the code for my projects on different computers (workstation at the 
office, laptop on the road, etc...).
- I use DropBox as a data store.
- Mostly I develop on Windows, but, target Windows and Linux (and now and then 

After reading the docs and Jim's book, I setup like this:
+ Main repo on DropBox:
c:\> cd DropBox\fossil-repos
c:\DropBox\fossil-repos\> fossil new my-project.fossil

+ Clone the repo in DropBox to my local workstation, laptop, etc, so on each, I 
do this:
c:\> cd fossil-repo-clones
c:\fossil-repo-clones\> fossil clone \DropBox\fossil-repos\my-project.fossil 

+ Open the local clone in a dedicated development directory and commit the 
initial files (intial file commit done once, on the system where the code base 
c:\> cd dev-projects\my-project
c:\dev-projects\my-project\> fossil open \fossil-repo-clones\my-project.fossil
c:\dev-projects\my-project\> fossil add .
<output here...>
c:\dev-projects\my-project\> fossil commit -m "Initial commit of files.  
Starting development."

My big question is, am I wasting my time creating the local clones on all my 
different systems?  Should I just the repo in my DropBox and simply open on my 
various systems?

Thanks in advance for looking at my issue and helping.


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