On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:29 AM, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

> That has more to do with contemporaneity.  When you talk about Linux 3.x,
> you also necessarily imply recent versions of glibc and such, which is the
> true dependency.


>  I seriously doubt Fossil actually makes any syscalls added to Linux 3.x,
> not present in Linux 2.6.  (If there are any such calls, they're probably
> nonportable.)

Correct. The only system-level APIs we use anywhere (off the top of my

- networking, but those are standard APIs which don't randomly change from
glibc version A to B.

- system(), fork(), exec(), but those are also age-old and don't just
randomly change.

- Windows and (IIRC) Mac: native-to/from-unicode string conversions ('Nix
platforms do not do these).

i'm pretty certain (not 100%) that that's it, but i know we don't use any
Linux-specific calls which might depend on a newer glibc version, except
possibly indirectly via the fuse module (its public API does not expose any
such dependencies, but it almost certainly has low-level deps on the OS).

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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