On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> My pleasure - i'm loving it already (in a chat-coding session) and should
> have done it months ago.

"chat-coding session" reminds me that an old, long out of production, IDE
had a collaborative editing feature. Unfortunately, the original publisher
chose to not offer a collaboration server for the IDE, but instead just
said "works with any IRC server". While many of my clients did use that IDE
(and a few still do), IRC was a "never going to do that here" thing. Now
days, most of my clients use Cisco Jabber. But it's configured to only
allow access via the Cisco Jabber Client, so even if there were an XMPP
based collaborative editing feature in any IDE, there would still be hard
to put it into actual use. (And there would still be the "I'm not going to
pay an engineer to watch another engineer type" factor to get around)
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