I have several "recent" versions of fossil statically compiled on Windows with 
TCL support.
The location of init.tcl and other TCL stuff is denoted by environmental 
variable TCL_LIBRARY.
On my system I set that variable globally so all command windows have it 
correctly set now.
My expectation is to be able to execute fossil successfully from any command 
window, regardless
of its current working directory. For some reason I can't grasp now, since 
today I can sucessfuly run 
fossil ver -v just from SOME directories. For many directories I receive error:
TCL (Tcl 8.6.0, loaded TH_ERROR: no such command: )
regardless if TCL_LIBRARY variable is set or not(if I unset TCL_LIBRARY 
variable in "good" shell, 
I get above error as well but re-setting TCL_LIBRARY to correct value make it 
work again)
In "good" shells I can run any "recent" versions of fossil just fine.

This had happened today. Before that I was able to execute different versions 
of fossil in shells with different
current directories whenever I set proper value to TCL_LIBRARY variable.

Only relevant change I am aware of  was merging dynamicTh1Docs and  th1ReInit 
branches info my working fossil branch.
I might be grossly overlooking something but at the moment I am puzzled why I 
can't execute 
TCL enabled fossil from any properly configured shell within any working 

One thing I noted, those shells with "bad" current working directories had some 
"_fossil_" file in them or 
somewhere up the path.
Those "good" shells, were on path with one specific "_fossil_" file up or down 
this path OR without any "_fossil_" file
anywhere up or down the path.
Any clue?

Thanks Peter
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