On Sep 28, 2014 12:49 AM, "Stephan Beal" <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Sidenote: i'm curious why most people prefer postscript addition, when
prefix is "never slower and sometimes faster." (Not that it matters one
iota for a case like this, it just seems to be very deeply embedded in most
people i know.)

I think most people (I am not most people in this case) prefer / use
postfix increment & decrement because it is what they learned first and how
most examples seem to be written. I prefer to use prefix operators (barring
the need for postfix side effects) just because they read more naturally in
my native language. I think it makes more sense when thinking "increment i"
to see "++i". The fact that it is potentially more efficient (though
probably not in practice) is just a bonus. Now if only I could get everyone
on board with making $ for currency a "postfix" operator (because 1$ makes
more sense than $1). :)
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