Thus said David Mason on Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:05:27 -0400:

> +  if ( statusFlag ) fossil_exit(nUpdate==0);
>  }

Before you start using this in your own fork, you might want to consider
if  having the  update_cmd()  function  exit at  this  point will  cause
problems if FOSSIL_ENABLE_TH1_HOOKS is enabled when using statusFlag and
there are no updates.

I  don't  use  FOSSIL_ENABLE_TH1_HOOKS  (and maybe  you  don't  either),
but  one  side  effect  of  causing  update_cmd()  to  exit  here  means
that  FOSSIL_ENABLE_TH1_HOOKS  code  in  main.c will  not  execute.  Not
sure  if that  is an  issue.  Someone who  knows more  about the  #ifdef
FOSSIL_ENABLE_TH1_HOOKS in main.c will likely know more:,765

I would  look at  other fossil subcommands  to see if  any of  them exit
(except those  that call fossil_fatal  &co. or  exit with an  error); my
cursory glance  seems to  indicate that most  fossil subcommands  do not
exit except  for errors. I suppose  perhaps the current intention  is to
have it exit with with a  non-zero (aka error) exit status if nUpdate==0
so perhaps  this is  not such  a bad  change, but  it does  warrant some
consideration for the case where it will exit without an error.

At  the moment,  nUpdate==0 will  always cause  fossil to  exit non-zero
because it doesn't actually  sync, so nUpdate would only ever  be > 0 if
you gave it a name to which  Fossil can actually update, but it wouldn't
mean  that you  have  new  sync content,  only  that  there are  changes
possible from your current checkout to the new checkout requested.


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