Stephan Beal wrote:

> You mention custom changes with regards to push scripts, which make me
> curious about that error message: i can find "push script failed" nowhere
> in fossil. Where is it coming from (if you know)?

The strings are escaped :)

eric@dev:~/Fossil-5ff4e33617/src$ grep -r 'push\\s' .
./xfer.c:        @ error not\sauthorized\sto\spush\sconfiguration
./xfer.c:        @ error push\sscript\sfailed:\s%F(g.zErrMsg)

I compiled your better-error-messages Fossil, and that's what
I'm running now.  So the currently-running code is no longer tainted by
my private edits, though of course if I managed to screw up my repo with
my private changes then we still might be seeing the result of that.

Not that I think that is particularly likely, but I'm a fossil-hacking
noob so what do I know.

Eric A. Rubin-Smith

Aterlo Networks, Inc.

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