> I put up a (temporary) repo of your skin at:
>      https://www.fossil-scm.org/bootstrap-skin

I have cloned a local repo from your URL and could not reproduce your
problem (fossil ui) with none of the following platforms/browser :
 Win 7 - Chrome
 Win 7 - Firefox
 Ubuntu 14.04  - Firefox

> You can see that it looks correct when viewed on the web.  But when I
> do "fossil ui" and look at it locally, it does not work.  I checked in
> a screen-shot:
>     https://www.fossil-scm.org/bootstrap-skin/artifact/292bc834c

It seems that the CSS is not loaded/processed. I have already
experienced something similar when CSS and JS were committed to the
repository and used in the header section using the embedded doc url
(e.g. <style src="doc/tip/js/jquery.min.js"></style>). At that time,
refreshing the page (F5) did the trick for me.
But that has never happened so far with the stylesheet in the settings.
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