This email has two "motivations".


Through the years I've evangelized about several subjects. Most of them go
hand in hand with my philosophy that​ software tools (well, this is
applicable to everything in life) should be as simple as possible for the
task they are intended to be used. Actually is the user who must pick

SQLite and Fossil are two of the greatest pieces of software I've come to
use because of that reason. I've seen people (even myself a long time ago)
using mysql server for applications with 4 tables and a single user until
they hear about SQLite, and they never look back.

 Most of the friends I've shown fossil to love the idea of having SCM, wiki
and tickets in the same, tiny place. Looks promising for them... but then
they miss the git staging area.

Second (and the most important one):

Several times I've toyed with the idea of writing a "shim" so fossil can be
used in place of git or subversion. Instead of writing a new plugin for
things like Qt Creator, Eclipse, TeXStudio and several others, task which
is too wide and time consuming, I can make them believe they are running
either git or subversion. In that way, any program compatible with git or
subversion (by means of running the command line version) becomes
compatible with fossil.

I think that will open the door to hundreds of applications, and this way
perhaps it will attract some new users to Fossil. Specially those in
Windows, where git and svn are harder to install than just a simple exe

 I feel more comfortable writing the shim to GIT. Two reasons for that:
first, I see git userbase growing (so I believe programs will favor GIT).
Second, I've only used subversion in a couple of trivial situations.

Having said these things, I must confess that in my mind, I find the
staging area a difference that's not easily solved. Perhaps some of you
have thought about this before, and have ideas on how to simulate it in a
clean way. Any idea on my idea is welcomed.
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