On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Luca Ferrari <fluca1...@infinito.it> wrote:
> I'm just curious to know if there is a way to list open tickets from
> the command line, that would be useful for instance to see the ticket
> id to place in a commit message without using the ui. I don't believe
> the timeline is appropriate for this since it will all tickets, not
> only open ones.

See "fossil help ticket"

Briefly, you need to define a report (in the UI's ticket page) to show open
tickets, then you can run that report from the CLI. For example "fossil
ticket show OpenTickets" to run a report titled "OpenTickets".

> Second, is there a way to automagically close a ticket with a commit?

Maybe. There is a post commit hook, but I don't know if tickets can be
closed from that hook.

HOWEVER, tickets can be changed from the CLI. For example "fossil ticket
set afbecd status Closed". Again, see "fossil help ticket"

(Note: I recommend against closing tickets automatically. If you really
feel you need to update the ticket status during a commit, I would suggest
"Fixed" instead of "Closed"
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