On 6/26/2015 5:59 AM, Remco Schoen wrote:
> I'm trying to host a directory with multiple fossils, but when I want to
> list the available repositories, I get this error:
> SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: config
> Database Error
> no such table: config SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='allow-symlinks'

I occasionally have the same issue, and it is indeed due to the presence
of a .fossil file which is incorrectly being treated as a repository.

For me, the problem happens because I created a user named fossil whose
home directory contains all the repositories being served.  (This makes
the ssh: URI easy.)

For administrative purposes, I occasionally log in as fossil, and
sometimes I run fossil commands, forgetting that this has the side
effect of making a .fossil file containing global settings and the
repository list used by the "fossil all" subcommands.

My fix is always to delete the unnecessary .fossil file.  User fossil
doesn't do any development, anyway.

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>

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