On Aug 31, 2015, at 10:59 AM, Joe Mistachkin <sql...@mistachkin.com> wrote:
> There are docs on --with-tcl and the commands it provides (see th1.md in the 
> source tree).

Yes, I already saw that, via the web:


You have to admit, it’s awfully thin on details.

How exactly do you use this to set a hook, for one thing?

If I want to run an external command, does --with-tcl let me call Tcl’s “exec” 
directly, or do I need to call “tclEval exec”, or something else?

I’m sure I could figure all this out by reading Fossil’s source and 
experimenting, but I think it’s fair to expect the docs to cover such basics.

> Also, with Tcl enabled the hooks work perfectly for sending mail

I think the mere existence of a tutorial article that builds a basic “send 
email on each commit” hook would be enough to solve a lot of people’s problems. 
 Just something to riff off of, you know?
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