
At a quick glance there does not seem any way to determine the Fossil Release 
Version from the web interface.

It seems some skins show the Release Version in the footer, and some do not.  I 
would like to request the default skin to do so as per this trivial patch...
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <div class="footer">
 This page was generated in about
 <th1>puts [expr {([utime]+[stime]+1000)/1000*0.001}]</th1>s by
-Fossil version $manifest_version $manifest_date
+Fossil v$release_version $manifest_version $manifest_date

resulting in a footer:
This page was generated in about 0.016s by Fossil v1.34 [62dcb00e68] 2015-11-02 

Then I have a question, to make the above patched "skin" work, it seems Fossil 
caches the default skin when the repo is created, and Fossil is smart enough to 
determine if the cached skin differs from the new version of the skin and you 
have to manually install the new (patched) skin.  Am I understanding this 
correctly ? 


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