Hi John,

On 24 Apr 2016, at 01:45 , John P. Rouillard <rouilj+fos...@cs.umb.edu> wrote:
> You're missing what he is saying. He is saying change the Timeline
> (/timeline) link in the menu.

indeed, not hard to miss it. :)

I couldn’t figure out where I could change exactly those links.

Now I see that you’re pointing me to skins:

> When logged in as an admin, go to:
>   Admin/Skins
> You will see text that says:
> A "skin" is a combination of CSS, Header, Footer, and Details 
> Choose Header.

Well, that’s not really intuitive, is it! ;-)

I would have expected something like “Edit menu” or something along that line.

> The html/th1 mix that shows up in the textbox is the top section of
> the pages.
> Search for Timeline and you should see:
>  menulink /timeline Timeline
> Change
>   /timeline
> to
>  '/timeline?n=100'
> and click Apply changes. Now the default value when clicking Timeline
> menu link is to show 100 changes.

Yep, got that now.

> I don't think there is an option to allow logged in users to set those
> sorts of things on a per user basis. AFAIK there is no user data
> stored other than a password. So you would need to figure out how to
> create a user table to store user preferences. There are no custom
> forms for users (i.e. a user equivalent of the admin/tickets
> mechanism), you wouldn't be able to allow the user to edit things
> without some changes to the fossil core code.


> However once you had that info in the database, IIRC you can use th1 to
> find out who the current user is. Then you can make sql calls into the
> database. So I think in theory you could change/create a user schema
> that holds personalized settings and use th1 to customize the menu
> item.

I see.

Well, I’ve reconfigured the repo’s header now to my linking.

Thanks for the clarification wrt the "Menu Settings" aka Admin/Skins. :)


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