Hi Everybody:

I had to recently shun some artifacts from a fossil repo (due to
embedded security credentials). Now when I look at the fossil timeline
that spans that shunning I no longer have a single connected trunk.

To reproduce use:

fossil init shun.fossil
mkdir shun
cd shun
fossil open ../shun.fossil
echo 2 > 2
fossil addremove
fossil ci -m "initial commit"
echo 2a > 2
fossil ci -m "second commit"
echo 2b > 2
fossil ci -m "third commit"
echo 2shun > 2
fossil ci -m "fourth shunable commit"
echo 2c > 2
fossil ci -m "fifth commit"
echo 2d > 2
fossil ci -m "sixth commit"

then shun the forth commit. You can rebuild the repo if you like it
makes no difference.

fossil ui's timeline shows the initial checkin on the leftmost rail
with nodes for the initial, first, second, third commits. The third
commit is marked as a leaf. Then next to the left rail is a second
rail with no nodes until the fifth and sixth commits. The sixth commit
was marked as leaf before the shunning but not after the shunning.

So the fourth commit (shunned) is missing, but the timeline is
disjoint at the point of the shunning. Also the end of the trunk
branch is located at the fourth commit (which is marked as a leaf).

If I try to: fossil up trunk
in the shun subdirectory (with the 6th commit) I get:

  fossil: ../fossil/src/bag.c:146: bag_find: Assertion `e>0' failed.

which seems wrong.

I tried to reconnect the timelines by adding a new propagating branch
tag called trunk to commit 5. This did make commit 6 into a leaf, but
the timeline is still split. However I do get the following when
running 'fossil update trunk'

checkout:     7d1873d50037c56a9d610ef557590f33cc1ccbe1 2016-05-14 21:43:24 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      sixth commit (user: rouilj)
changes:      None. Already up-to-date
WARNING: multiple open leaf check-ins on trunk:
  (1) 2016-05-14 21:43:24 [7d1873d500] (current)
  (2) 2016-05-14 21:43:19 [43059e2375]

So is there some way to reintegrate the trunk across the shun? Is this
split timeline just a side-effect of shunning? Would doing a
    fossil git-export | fossil git-import
"fix" things?

(As a side note, is there a shun cli command? fossil help/help -all
doesn't seem to show one.)

Thanks for any insight.

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.
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