On 16 Jun 2016, at 04:02 , lvh <_...@lvh.io> wrote:
> I’m interested in exploring the possibilities of moving to a Fossil monorepo 
> at $dayjob. One of the things I’m not sure how to deal with appropriately is 
> dealing with projects managed upstream in some other VCS (which, de facto, 
> appears to be just git). For example, I’m currently working on Azure 
> (Microsoft’s cloud) using REST APIs, defined by a bunch of Swagger files 
> (https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs).
> These are important to the software we’re building, so they ought to live in 
> VCS, or at least a reference to them should. How do you manage this? Just put 
> the .git dir in version control? Bare checkout? Something that references the 
> repo + commit but keeping the actual checkout out of source control?

I usually simply copy the git clone into the fossil repo.
The .git dir is not checked into the fossil repo, instead I commit the whole 
folder into fossil as well.
From then on one can keep the same folder structure synced in git as well as 
Can become messy if you’re not attentive, but works. Cross referencing the 
commit hashes in commit messages of the DVCS counterparts makes sense too. ;-)

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