
Another tickets report – a summary report of ticket counts.
I’d love to be able to link the rows, columns, or counts to another report, but 
I don’t think this is possible.
SELECT subsystem,
 -- Counts by status
count(CASE WHEN status="Open" THEN  1 else null end) as Open,
count(CASE WHEN status="Verified" THEN  1 else null end) as Verified,
count(CASE WHEN status="Review" THEN  1 else null end) as Review,
count(CASE WHEN status="Deferred" THEN  1 else null end) as Deferred,
count(CASE WHEN status="Fixed" THEN  1 else null end) as Fixed,
count(CASE WHEN status="Tested" THEN  1 else null end) as Tested,
--Counts by priority
count(CASE WHEN priority="Immediate" THEN  1 else null end) as Immediate,
count(CASE WHEN priority="High" THEN  1 else null end) as High,
count(CASE WHEN priority="Medium" THEN  1 else null end) as Medium, 
 count(CASE WHEN priority="Low" THEN  1 else null end) as Review,
count(CASE WHEN priority="Zero" THEN  1 else null end) as Zero,
-- make the row red if two or more tickets are open
CASE   WHEN count(CASE WHEN status="Open" THEN  1 else null end)>=2 THEN 
       WHEN count(CASE WHEN status="Open" THEN  1 else null end)<2 THEN 
       ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor'
FROM ticket
WHERE status<>"Closed"
GROUP BY subsystem

Sent from my iPhone

> On 30 Jun 2016, at 11:10, Stephen De Gabrielle <spdegabrie...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi, 
> The default tickets with comments report doesn't seem to work.
> (The default examples don't seem to match the default schema)
> I'd appreciate it if list members could let me know if this works for them:
> --
> select
>  CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc'
>       WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd'
>       WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd'
>       WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6'
>       WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5'
>       ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor',
>  substr(t.tkt_uuid,1,10) AS '#',
>  datetime(t.tkt_mtime) AS 'mtime',
>  t.type,
>  t.subsystem,
>  group_concat((tc.icomment || '<br> - '|| tc.login || ' - ' || 
> datetime(tc.tkt_mtime)),'<br><br>') as '_comments'
> FROM ticket t, ticketchng tc
> WHERE t.status<>"Closed" AND t.tkt_id IN (SELECT tc.tkt_id FROM ticketchng )
> GROUP BY t.tkt_id
> ORDER BY datetime(t.tkt_mtime) DESC
> ---
> Sent from my iPhone
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