On 7/17/2016 12:45 AM, Ron W wrote:
On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 2:08 AM, John L. Poole <jlpool...@gmail.com <mailto:jlpool...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On your suggestion, I inserted code on the setup_header page to this:

    if {[hascap r]} {
    html "<base href=\"$baseurl/$current_page?name=$tkt_uuid\" />\n"
    <base href="$baseurl/$current_page" />

    And that worked: the baseURI variable in DOM was set to

    However, each page now complains
    "ERROR: no such variable: tkt_uuid"
    and is missing styling and the heading matter.

Test $current_page for "tktview". If true:
html "<base href=\"$baseurl/$current_page?name=$tkt_uuid\" />\n"
html "<base href=\"$baseurl/$current_page\" />\n"

Thank you, that worked.  Here's what I used:

    if {$current_page eq "tktview"} {
      html "<base href=\"$baseurl/$current_page?name=$tkt_uuid\" />\n"
    } else {
      html "<base href=\"$baseurl/$current_page\" />"


Caveat: changing the baseURI value to a specific ticket page introduced a problem in that ticketview pages are not having their CSS files loading correctly; the URIs for the CSS assume the baseURI to be $baseurl/$current_page. I'll have to go down the line and introduce $baseurl/$current_page prefixes to URIs that assume that the baseURI has been set to $baseurl/$current_page

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