Given the vast technical resources that are available (and becoming
available), documentation creation and refinement seems like a keystone
technology. Dedicating weeks or months to evaluate a piece of technology
is increasingly becoming a less viable practice. It's something that
I've thought about occasionally during the last year, and I recall
making plenty of notes on the subject but those notes are buried in an
~30GB pile of files with other notes. (I record my contemplative,
speculative, insightful notes in speech form in audio/mp3 files).

I've noticed that "Fossil is a distributed NoSQL database"[1].


And that there are "fourteen application-defined SQL functions and two
table-valued functions that are useful for managing JSON content stored
in an SQLite database"[2].


[1] is not easy to find, and [2] is not easy to understand or use. But
with this it seems like I could create annotations for the multimedia
data, stored in plain text files in JSON format. Those JSON files could
be periodically scraped and assimilated into an SQLite database and then
used to search/mine the multimedia corpus. If the JSON files are under
distributed revision control, multiple people could create/modify
annotations (this probably doesn't apply to my notes but the technique
could be applied to any media archive).

Anyway, the point is that this would be a nifty little set of scripts
utilizing Tcl/Tk-SQLite-Fossil that would be tremendously useful [to me]
and would be well within my ability to put together,,, if there were a
different quality and style of documentation/reference-material.

It's a little ironic that I don't have access to my notes on
documentation style, structure, and generation methods because the
current documentation is impeding the development of the tools I need to
search the notes. Good times.

Off the top of my head, and following Unix man page style somewhat, what
if commands were documented like this:

Relevant Definitions

Were the Example is comprehensive and provides a complete context and is
a demonstration of the 'best practices' and conventions. (A picture is
worth a thousand words, so is an example/demonstration. Let people see
it work. Give them what they need to experiment with it).

If the Example is executable with a known outcome, its execution could
be included (automated) in the Release Engineering process to determine
the points where the documentation needs to be updated so that it
maintains traction with the core software.

The other big component is community involvement, but I suspect this
post is already too long to digest.

Has anyone else thought about these issues?

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