Some aggressive pr0n-selling spammer is subscribed either directly or through an archive site. They are making a sequence of replies directly to the original poster, some just plain text, some including a link to follow, and some containing NSFW photographs. I've had pretty good luck with a black-list approach, where I've told my mail system to blacklist the domains the pr0n spam appears to come from. We'll see if this message catches some more fodder for my black-list.

I don't have a good answer for what else to do about it. This is a particularly pernicious approach to address harvesting that does not lend itself well to discovery and mitigation.

On 10/11/2016 1:22 PM, wrote:
Can confirm with gmail. Every post now has multiple spam replies.
Fossil has been discovered!

I suspect religiously reporting the offending email as spam to GMail will help in the long run.

Ross Berteig                     
Cheshire Engineering Corp. 
+1 626 303 1602

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