
Below are answered I give to few people (Richard, etc.) who talk about this 
> « Irony: Isn't Rust heavily dependent upon Git for its package management? So 
> if Hg is written in Rust, does that mean that Hg has a dependency on Git? »

Rust is a language, Git is a DVCS.
You can use Rust with Fossil if you want ...

C is language written for a more robust UNIX : should people stop using it 
because they are with Windows ?Git was basically written for Linux, should 
OpenBSD avoid it ?

> « Many people do believe that just because an application is written in Rust 
> rather than in C that it must be "safer". But it is a logical fallacy. »

Rust is too recent : you could not tell that, as if it is a rule or a correct 
There are no evidence for that, and you know that.

> « I kind of agree that rewriting fossil in Rust will not buy much »

That is my point of view too, but I would like to see people writing a Fossil 
software with ONLY Rust as a language : I am curious. :-)

> « Are you really happy with the idea of Fossil making zero forward progress 
> for two years, and at the end, you have exactly the same feature set as 
> before? »

Depending on the goal. No ?
Three possible goals...
a) You want to use Rust to reahc some new developpers, it could be a good idea.
b) You would like to improve safety at least to give evidence that Rust does 
NOT give any advantage.
c) You would try an object approach...


> « However, the value of Rust is not simply memory management. The 
> *considerably* more expressive type system, and the much more robust type 
> checking can reduce LOC while improving both readability and safety. »
In theory Rust is far better than C. It has a functional approach which is a 
good idea, immutability is a good idea, concurrency is in mind, etc.
However, I don't see anything that would convince me to use Rust for Fossil.
Concurrency improvement could be a good reason, however may I suggest that the 
Fossil team would wait so some "fallacies" could be seen if it is the case...

Best Regards


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