Thank you very much for looking into my issue!

I have built the server from source code with `./configure; make'. I
haven't run `make clean' as I was working inside a new directory
containing just the extracted Fossil source code.

I have now replaced the server binary with the one matching my OS from

Fossil version 1.36 [c24373934d] 2016-10-24 14:59:33 UTC
Compiled on Oct 28 2016 19:32:28 using gcc-4.2.1 20070831 patched
[FreeBSD] (64-bit)

The version hash is the same as for my previous server binary, and
also matches that of my Windows client executable (the official
download from

But duh, I need a faster Internet connection ...

On my slower home line, I have always cancelled my tests after around
100 or so iterations of the synchronization operation. Today, on my
ultra-fast line at work, I noticed that the `sync -u' operation
completes after 130 iterations, but unversioned files are NOT
synchronized. The artifact receipts log shows 130 corresponding
entries, most of them consisting of only a single artifact.

If the synchronization is started without `-u', there are only 18
iterations, and 18 corresponding artifact receipts log entries for the
same commit. Each artifact receipts log entry has multiple (usually
5-10) artifacts.

So this is a somewhat inflationary use of the term "endless loop" for
my part, I'm sorry for my impatience and not waiting for my tests to

Updated problem summary

When adding and committing a lot of data, the synchronization
operation invoked with `fossil sync -u' emits a "server says: bad
command: uvigot ..." for each round-trip, and unversioned files are
NOT synchronized.

Moreover, the synchronization operation takes many more round-trips to
complete, and most of the corresponding artifact receipts log entries
consist of only one single artifact.

Updated steps to reproduce

* Use Fossil version 1.36 [c24373934d] on the server and the client
* Create a new empty repository on the server
* Clone the empty repository from the server to the client
* Add and commit a lot of files (try the Fossil /src directory)
* Add an unversioned file
* Run `fossil sync -u'

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