With my enhanced changes command, the way to revert all missing files is:

fossil revert $(fossil changes -missing)

If your shell doesn't have $(...) command substitution, use `...` backticks

If you're unlucky enough to have files with spaces in their names, you'll

fossil changes -missing | xargs -r -d'\n' fossil revert

You can limit the scope by giving one or more directory name arguments to
changes, e.g. "." for the current directory.

Short of being clever with grep, you cannot inhibit recursion, so
subdirectories are always processed too. I hope to change this eventually.

If you don't have my enhanced changes command, in place of "fossil changes
-missing" you can write:

fossil changes | sed -rn '/^MISSING */s///p'

This fails if a filename happens to start with spaces.

Sorry, I can't properly reply to the email since I can see it only in the
web archive and not my mailer (actually my phone), so it must have arrived
during the time my account was deactivated due to bogus bounces.
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