On Jan 3, 2017, at 11:08 AM, Scott Doctor <sc...@scottdoctor.com> wrote:
> There are a few binary files that are needed to compile and use the program.

If you’d care to share the details about those few binary files, we might be 
able to improve the way Fossil works for you.

Eduard’s point about saving OpenOffice XML docs with ZIP packaging and 
compression turned off is a good example of this.

There are many other cases where a change in the workflow can yield significant 
improvements in the way Fossil works with those binary files.

For example, it may be better to store bitmaps in a file format like Windows 
BMP than TIFF or PNG, because BMP has no compression and carries very little 
metadata compared to TIFF or PNG.  Thus, any changes to the bitmap result in 
only localized changes to the underlying file, which Fossil is better at 
handling than changes to a file format like PNG or JPEG where a single-pixel 
change could statistically change every byte in the file.

If you need a compressed bitmap format for the build, generating it from BMP 
can be part of the build process.

A nice side effect of doing things that way is that improvements in compression 
methodology don’t require that you re-compress and re-checkin all of your 
bitmaps: just update the build process to use the new compression method.

About once every 5 years or so, I find myself re-generating all of my PNGs.  
First there was the move from 8-bit PNGs to matted 24-bit once IE6 finally died 
off.  Then there was the move from matted PNGs to alpha-blended PNGs once IE7 
died off.  Then there was the move from Photoshop’s PNG compression to Zopfli 
compression.  If I’d stored them as RGBA BMPs from the start, I wouldn’t now 
have 3 different versions of substantially the same same bitmaps in my Fossil 
repository today.

Another similar example is storing vector art in Fossil as plain SVG rather 
than SVGZ or some binary format like Adobe Illustrator.

> the contents need to stay as-is binary.

Binary file formats intended for final delivery may be less desirable for 
storing in Fossil than formats intended for manipulation.  The process for 
getting from the one type of binary file format to the other sort can be part 
of the build process.

You don’t necessarily have to store the final delivery form of the data in 
Fossil.  Another form that encodes the same data may make more sense.
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