On 2017-01-04 20:06, Damien Sykes-Lindley wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have recently delved into the technical joys and jargon of Linux, but I’m 
> still fairly new so you’ll have to excuse me if these questions are more 
> system than Fossil related.
> 1. I am currently only aware of installing software via package managers (in 
> my case APT). For some reason the latest Fossil that it wants to install is 
> 1.33. How do I update to the latest?
> 2. Naturally, I want people to be able to use domain names without having to 
> add ports to the query. For example my website might be at example.com and my 
> fossil might be at source.example.com. Is there a way that the Fossil server 
> can listen on port 80 with Apache?

   What you probably want to do is to add a virtual host at
source.example.com, and make that virtual host use cgi and then simply
call fossil using its cgi interface.  I do precisely that in my setup
(but I also support client certificates and REMOTE_USER; this way I use
the access control features in apache to control which clients can
access which repositories).

   Added bonus:  You can point fossil to a directory and it'll allow you
to access all the repositories by filename in that directory without any
additional configuration.

> 3. By default Fossil seems to install itself as a standard application. Is 
> there any way of installing it as a daemon so that it automatically starts 
> with the system, like Apache does?

   If you make apache invoke fossil as cgi, then you don't need to do that.

Kind Regards,
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