Hi again,


A number of people have replied to my questions about using Fossil SCM with 
Master Repositories held on a Flash Drive.  Thank you all for your input.  I 
have been experimenting further with Fossil, and have decided on a plan that I 
think should work, but I am still am bit confused about whether or not I should 
use any Master Repositories, so I would appreciate any further advice anyone 
might like to offer on the following plan.


But before describing my plan, I would like to clarify a few points to 
hopefully avoid any unnecessary discussion about these details:  I understand 
the long term reliability of Flash Drives is suspect, and thus it will be 
important to back-up the files on the Flash Drive regularly and probably to 
replace it from time to time.  I also understand moving a Flash Drive from PC 
to PC raises various virus related concerns, but I believe I am experienced in 
managing this.  To implement my plan below, I will of-course keep a copy of 
Fossil.exe on the flash drive so it is available at any PC.  For the purposes 
of this discussion I am a sole developer working only with Windows 7 or later 
based PCs.


My Requirement

I wish to "carry a number of projects around with me" and be able to 
temporarily access one or more of these projects at a time on standalone 
client-owned PCs.  "Temporarily" means I will usually not want to leave a copy 
of the source code or the repository on the PC when I am finished though I may 
want to take a copy of any changes I have made to the project with me.  
"Standalone" means these PCs usually are not networked to any other PCs and 
usually do not have any internet access.


My Plan

So, my plan is to keep a number of Fossil repository files on a USB Flash 
Drive, plug this into the client's PC and "open" the required project(s) as 
needed while I am working at the PC, then optionally commit any changes back to 
the repository(s) on the Flash Drive if I wish to keep them, with appropriate 
version tracking and comment recording.


I am now pretty sure this is all readily do-able using Fossil.  But for my 
requirements, I am still a bit confused about the pros and cons of cloning and 
syncing Fossil repositories vs simply copying the repository files on and off 
of the Flash Drive.  Given that I am a single developer and assuming that any 
work on any project that is to be retained will only be undertaken by me on one 
PC at a time, it seems to me I do not need any Master Repositories (in the 
sense that Master Repositories are used to pull, push or sync changes between 
independent sources ?) and that I will not need to push, pull or sync changes 
anywhere ?  Because of this, it seems to me I need only "ordinary" repositories 
on the flash drive, which I can open and commit to "directly".


However, as much as possible, I believe in only copying files on-to and off-of 
Flash Drives and not using them as "live" media with random reads, writes and 
appends occurring to the files they hold.  So, in my intended use of Fossil, 
when I need to access a project at a client's PC I would expect to copy the 
relevant repository file from my Flash Drive to the PC's local hard disk, then 
open that copy of the repository onto the local hard disk and work with the 
source files.  When finished, if I wish to retain any changes I would expect to 
commit the changes to the copy of the repository file on the local hard disk, 
then copy this updated repository file back onto my Flash Drive (overwriting 
the previous version of the repository file) before deleting the repository and 
the working files on the local hard disk.  For backup purposes, I would copy 
the repositories from the Flash Drive onto my "at home PC" frequently, and from 
here these copies would then get included in my home PC backup procedure.  When 
I work on a project at home I would treat my home PC similarly to a client's 
PC, in that I would open a copy of the project's repository on my local hard 
disk, commit changes into this, then copy that repository file onto the Flash 


So, if everything goes according to plan, I think I could do this indefinitely 
without ever needing to push, pull or sync to a Master Repository ?  Is this 
valid and reasonable, or am I missing something important here ?  Artur 
Shepilko suggested having Master Repositories on my Home PC and syncing the 
repositories on the Flash Drive into these, but (in a single developer 
non-networked environment) I do not understand if this offers any benefit over 
simply copying the repository files from the Flash Drive to my Home PC, and 
knowing that the "backup copies" of my repository files at home should always 
be "byte-for-byte identical" to the "live" versions on my Flash Drive ?


I would appreciate any thoughts, clarification or guidance on this.


Thanking you for your assistance,



Martin Irvine.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Martin Irvine 
  To: fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org 
  Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 7:32 PM
  Subject: [fossil-users] Using Fossil SCM with Master Repositories held on 
aFlash Drive ?


  I am new to Software Configuration Management systems, but am now interested 
in using Fossil.  I have been reviewing the documentation on-and-off for a few 
days, and have played with the program a little, but I am still unsure how to 
most appropriately use it to meet my needs, so I would appreciate any advice 
anyone would like to offer on the following use scenario.


  I am working exclusively in Windows environments.  I am a sole developer, 
often working on a number of relatively small projects at a time.  For the time 
being at least, I do not expect to make much use of forking and branching 
capabilities - I like to think my code development generally progresses fairly 
linearly.  But I regularly need to access and update my code at a number of 
usually standalone PCs - that is, they are never networked to each other and 
often do not even have internet access.


  I am hoping that Fossil will assist me in two ways, keeping track of 
milestones in my codebases including providing the ability to easily restore a 
previous version for testing purposes, and also making it as simple as possible 
for me to ensure I always have all versions of the code for every project 
accessible to me when I sit down to work at any particular PC.


  To achieve the second objective, I expect to make a point of always carrying 
a USB Flash Drive with me as I move from PC to PC.  I expect this Flash Drive 
should contain a number of repository files, one for each project I am 
concerned with.  I expect when I sit down at any particular PC I should be able 
to extract from the relevant repository on this Flash Drive whichever version 
of whichever project I need to access.  Similarly, when I "finish" working at 
this PC if I wish to retain any changes I have made I expect I should "commit" 
these changes back to relevant repository on the Flash Drive in some way.  But 
the most appropriate way to do all this is unclear to me.


  I understand Fossil is generally intended to work with a local copy of a 
project's repository on each machine's local hard disk, and with a master 
repository accessed remotely when required via a network or internet 
connection.  In my case, it seems to me the master repository would be the 
relevant repository file on my Flash Drive, but when my Flash Drive is plugged 
into the machine I am working on, the files on it are effectively local, not 
remote.  So, when I sit down to work at a PC, should I copy the repository file 
for the project I need to work on onto the PC's local hard drive, then open the 
version of the code I need to access from this copy of the repository, or 
should I just open the project repository directly from my Flash Drive ?  
Additionally, if I should copy the repository onto the local hard disk, should 
I simply copy the repository file using the operating system, or should I use 
Fossil to clone it to the local hard disk (I do not really understand the 
difference here) ?  Then, when I finish working at the PC, if I wish to 
incorporate any changes I have made back into the repository on my Flash Drive, 
should I update this directly into the repository on my Flash Drive, or into a 
copy of the repository on the PC's local hard disk ?  If the later, should I 
then simply copy the updated repository file onto my Flash Drive (overwriting 
the previous repository file), or should I "pull" or "push" the changes into 
the repository file on the Flash Drive - can I even do this, when the hard disk 
based repository and the Flash Drive based repository files are effectively 
both local files on the same PC ?  I guess I'm getting a bit confused here.


  A possible additional complicating factor in the "right" way to do all this 
is that typically, when I finish working at a PC I often will not want to leave 
a copy of the source code or the repository on the PC (i.e., on a customer's 
hardware).  I understand deleting the local copies of the repositories 
undermines the redundancy and backup benefits of using a Distributed SCM 
system, but I guess I will address this by leaving copies of the repositories 
on my own PCs and also ensuring I regularly make backup copies of the 
repository files on the Flash Drive.


  So any thoughts, experience or advice on the most appropriate way to use 
Fossil in the above scenario would be most welcome, thank you.



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