On 13/02/2017 06:47, Artur Shepilko wrote:
>>   *  no more silent renaming of master vs trunk [1]
> "fossil import --rename-trunk" already allows a choice for a Fossil
> branch name to receive Git's "master" branch.
> A bug was missed in src/import.c:~567 if( fossil_strcmp(z,
> "master")==0 ) z = "trunk";
> In src/import.c this option is stored in gimport.zTrunkName, so for
> the purposes it should be used there instead of the ggit.zMasterName
> introduced.
> It can be something to this effect:
>       if( fossil_strcmp(z, "master")==0 ){
>           gg.zBranch = fossil_strdup(gimport.zTrunkName);
>       }else{
>           gg.zBranch = fossil_strdup(z);
>       }
> Makes sense?

No, not really.
--rename-master renames master
--rename-trunk renames trunk
We should strive to keep the command line UI sane.

In both fossil and git, it's possible to have both master and trunk

>>   *  tag comments are imported and exported [2]
> ?? How does one enter a tag comment from the Fossil command line or
> this is an import/export only feature?

Currently this is only import/export changes.
I might be able to modify the command line to accept a comment for a tag.

> Fossil tags are kinda dated
> "lightweight" Git tags, yet unlike Git multiple commits can have the
> same tag. Does this suggest also same tags but also with different
> comments?

The git-fast-import format does not support "lightweight" tags, only
anointed ones. However, the way I've implemented it in Fossil should
allow multiple tags to have different comments. I have not yet addressed
the issue of git itself not accepting matching tags for different commits.

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