On Mar 8, 2017, at 9:07 AM, sky5w...@gmail.com wrote:
> Yeah, I'm just pointing out a change from v2.0 and down.

Are you sure it’s a change to the default Fossil skin?  I’m a bit blinkered 
when it comes to such things, since I always customize the skin, so my Fossil 
skins never change from one release to the next.  I assumed that once you set a 
skin on a given repository that it never changes even if you use a stock skin, 
but maybe not.

Anyway, you can force a <div> to only scroll horizontally by adding

   overflow: auto;
   overflow-y: hidden;

to its CSS.

Horizontall scrolling is generally undesirable, though, at least with mouse 
users, since many mice have no horizontal scrolling feature, and those that do 
are generally clumsier at it than when doing vertical scrolling.

Still, if you want it, there it is.

As indicated above, if you do this, you effectively pin the skin in place so 
future changes don’t bother you ever again.  The downside is that you then have 
to manually integrate any upstream changes you do want later on.  There is a 
handy CSS diffing tool built into Fossil UI to help with this.  Some of the 
skin changes made in 1.37 required me to learn about this.
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