On Mar 29, 2017, at 2:05 PM, The Tick <the.t...@gmx.com> wrote:
> On 3/29/2017 2:36 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> Most of the world is using UTF-8 now.
> I'm wondering how that can be for programming language source files.

Existence proof: https://tangentsoft.com/pidp8i/artifact/9c629c82ae71862a

All text files in that repository are either plain old ASCII or are UTF-8.

Any text editor or compiler that can’t cope with UTF-8 in 2017 is broken or can 
be ignored.  

> $ /c/Program\ Files/tcl/bin/tclsh u.tcl
> invalid command name "puts"
>    while executing
> "puts "This is a copyright symbol: ©.""
>    (file "k.tcl" line 1)

That sounds like an issue you should bring up with the providers of your Tcl 
implementation.  Tcl works just fine with UTF-8 on POSIX type platforms.

Second existence proof: https://tangentsoft.com/pidp8i/artifact/79fb335f12f1f6de

(auto.def is an autosetup script, which is based on Tcl.)

It may be that your particular Tcl implementation is blindly assuming UTF-16 
because you’re running it on Windows.
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