I thought my problem with the commit messages looking like a big blob of text was fixed by adding:

/* THIS WORKS - Enable timeline comments to respect linefeeds. */
span.timelineComment {
  font-family: Consolas;
  white-space: pre;

to the css here: http://localhost:8080/setup_skinedit

Now I was poking around and looked at an individual file. The commit messages are again a blob. I don't know a lot about css but with the raw fossil html:

<td class="timelineTableCell">
<a href="/artifact/3a33db7b7cc18276">[3a33db7b7c]</a>
part of check-in
<a class='timelineHistLink' href="/info/76d36a9fdd7aeb54">[76d36a9fdd]</a>
Support a fixed-width font in addition to the default proportional font
  Use Option.mono in Options.txt to specify a specific fixed-width font
  Add tags F,FB and FI
<a href="/timeline?c=2017-03-31+02:12:04&amp...

I wonder if it's even possible to apply the same type of css changes to this. There is no <span> whereas there is on the timeline view.

I've googled to see if I could go back and edit the commit messages but the answers I saw were a definite "no".

Before I just throw the whole thing away and start over using that markup language, is there any way to salvage this?

PS. This is not years of work. I've just started learning to use fossil so there are only a few commits so far. In the past I had used RCS for my projects but fossil looked like it would be a good replacement.
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