On 2017-05-23 21:21, Andy Bradford wrote:
Thus said Doug Franklin on Mon, 22 May 2017 18:32:00 -0400:

11. Oops.  I don't have three  tickets. I have two  tickets. The first
ticket is fine. The original second  ticket seems to be gone (it's not
in the "All  tickets" list), and the current second  ticket has all of
the values of the  third ticket, but it has the  user comment from the
original  second ticket  as its  first user  comment, and  the comment
entered for the third ticket as its second user comment.

Also,  regarding the  differing users.  How  is this  possible? Are  you
logging into Fossil UI  using more than one user? What  are you doing to
create tickets using  multiple users? These facts were  not mentioned in
steps 4--10.

Sorry, Andy, that was me not being clear. I should've put "user comment" in quotation marks because I was talking about the field on the form labeled "User Comment". It was three tickets created by one user (there's only one actual user, me), one right after the other. I'll rephrase to be more clear:

"... and the second ticket has all of the values of the third ticket, but it has the "User Comment" text from the original second ticket as its first "User Comment", and the "User Comment" intended for the third ticket is now the second "User Comment" of the second ticket."

And I don't expect you'll easily be able to recreate it. I've tried numerous times on pristine repositories created just to recreate the problem. But I haven't been able to hit the right combination yet.

And, if it would help, I can share the repos ... maybe as a gist on github ...

Doug "Lefty" Franklin
NutDriver Racing
Facebook: NutDriver Racing
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