On 09/19/17 06:45, Roy Keene wrote:
On Tue, 19 Sep 2017, Andy Goth wrote:
Currently the "fossil uv add" command rejects filenames containing
directory components.  I suggest instead applying this restriction
only to the value of the "-as" switch, with "-as" defaulting to the
filename sans directory components.

Why add this restriction to the "--as" switch ?

I currently use "fossil uv add <file> --as release-<version>/<file>"


After actually looking at this code, I see that there's not a blanket
restriction on directory components.  It's quite a bit more relaxed.  My
problem was that everything I was trying to add had an absolute path,
and I drew the wrong conclusion that no directories could be specified.

Okay, I suggest refining the error message to not just say the filename
is unacceptable, but rather to explain the restriction, like is done
with whitespace.

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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