OK. My mistake. I misunderstood the post.



On 20/11/17 18:04, Warren Young wrote:
> On Nov 20, 2017, at 3:41 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
> <off...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> On 20/11/17 17:22, Warren Young wrote:
>>> On Nov 20, 2017, at 3:12 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
>>> <off...@riseup.net> wrote:
>>>> I thought that was the extension
>>>> the shallow cloned repository would get if no extension name was specified.
>>> If you say
>>>    $ fossil clone https://fossil-scm.org fossil
>>> You get a repository file called “fossil”, not “fossil.fossil”.
>> No. I was referring to the later case (fossil.fossil)
> If you’re simply arguing that .fossil should be appended if a clone file name 
> is given but no extension is given, that’s a separate topic from anything 
> I’ve brought up.  I’m ambivalent about the idea: I’m fine with the current 
> behavior and I wouldn’t be upset if it changed.
>>> In my clone-and-open scheme, leaving off the final parameter above would 
>>> give you a directory called “Fossil”
>> Well my argument is related with how I setup the web server to serve
>> files ended in ".fossil", but I can just add more extensions as the
>> community decides.
> I don’t see that clone-and-open impacts that either way.  This feature would 
> be used primarily by people who want to use someone else’s repository.  If 
> they re-serve it at all, it’ll probably be via a bare “fossil server” 
> command, not pointing to a directory of fossils at all or using a front-end 
> proxy layer.
> I’m targeting the GitHub use case here: someone publishes a project and 
> people want to just copy the repo contents down into a local directory to 
> mess with, in the fewest steps possible.  Git allows you to do this in 2 
> steps: clone & cd.  Fossil currently requires 5, as I showed up-thread.  
> That’s a problem.
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