On 11/24/17, Zakero <zak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> tldr; This new change of the timeline makes it harder to find useful links.

There is now a per-repository configuration option under
Setup/Timeline that lets you choose which timeline format you prefer.

https://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/ is currently configured so that
when you click on the "Timeline" menu, you get
https://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/timeline?basic - the "basic" query
parameter declutters the display as much as possible to be friendly to
newbies.  You can change this on your repos by searching for
"/timeline?basic" in your "Header" configuration and omitting the
query parameter.

There is an undocumented query parameter on /timeline that lets you
experiment with different formatting options without having to change
the configuration.


The "basic" query parameter simply forced commentformat=5 and then
disables a lot of the complex submenu controls, replacing them all
with an "Advanced" button that turns "basic" off.

Other values for commentformat=N are possible, but are reserved for
future expansion.

Thanks to everyone who contributed comments!  All suggestions were
useful, even those that I did not implement.  It is important to have
lots of ideas in circulation.

One thing I learned from this exercise is that no two people want the
timeline to look the same way.   Consensus is not a possibility here.
There is too much diversity of opinion. Therefore, I had to exercise
my authority as the BDFL and pick one particular behavior for the
canonical Fossil repo and to be the default.  You are welcomed to pick
a different behavior for your own repositories, since it is now
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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