My repo's were built prior to the unversioned feature, so I have not used
this yet. And there is no benefit to migrating my candidate files to
unversioned since their history will remain in the repo without complex
But now I am confused by this thread?
If/When I add unversioned files, are their original paths stripped?
Are they stored differently than source code?

../dev/img/bla*.png    <-- unversioned
../dev/exe/myapp.exe   <-- unversioned

Do unversioned files remain in their relative paths at inception?

On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 12:58 PM, Andy Goth <> wrote:

> I think the next project that needs this feature should write a utility
> script for themselves that uses the uv commands to extract files however
> makes sense for them.  This live experimentation is necessary to figure
> what is needed in practice.  No one is forced to wait for any changes to be
> made to Fossil itself.  One day, a set of best practices (i.e., a vague
> consensus on which compromises and heuristics most people can live with
> most of the time) will emerge, at which point Fossil can adopt them as
> useful defaults, but people should always be able to write new scripts that
> work best for their specific projects.
> On 06/26/18 10:31, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> My thought was to provide a new setting (perhaps versionable) that
>> specified a directory relative to the root of the check-out into which
>> unversioned files are written whenever one does "fossil update" or
>> "fossil checkout".  If the setting is missing or empty, then Fossil
>> works as it does now.  If you turn on the setting, though, then the
>> unversioned files work just like other files in the check-out, except
>> that Fossil never records their history.
> I overall like the idea, but I can envision an endless stream of feature
> creep as people want to do any of the following and more:
> - Deal with files having platform-incompatible names (slashes,
> backslashes, drive letters, characters unsupported by the filesystem)
> - Extract only files within certain size ranges
> - Extract only files within certain date ranges
> - Extract only files matching certain glob patterns
> - Update the unversioned files when checking in
> - Get diffs showing which unversioned files have changed
> - Handle new files being added to the unversioned directory
> - Reverse filename mapping done for platform compatibility when checking
> in or adding new unversioned files
> - Selectively check in unversioned files along with the rest of the
> check-in
> And on it goes.  All of the above can be done today via shell scripts, so
> projects wanting to experiment are invited to get started right away.
> --
> Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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