The GNOME Foundation is excited to announce that GUADEC 2019 will take
place from the 23rd to 28th of August in Thessaloniki, Greece. GUADEC,
the GNOME User and Developer European Conference, brings together
hundreds of users and developers every year to further the GNOME
Project. It is one of the Foundation’s longest-standing and most
noteworthy events.

Thessaloniki is an ancient city with over 2,300 years of history. Also
known as Thessalonica, Salonica, or Salonika, it is right behind
Athens in both population and importance, as it is the second largest
city in Greece and is known as its cultural capital. During the
Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, Thessaloniki was second only to
Constantinople, and was known to co-reign with that city. Many
Byzantine churches and buildings from that era remain standing today
and are included in UNESCO's World Heritage list.

For those who enjoy good food and drinks, Thessaloniki is poised well
to please. A plethora of trendy bars and restaurants are scattered
throughout the city, and along the pedestrianised streets, and along
the coast with sea views. It has a beautiful waterfront promenade
where visitors can enjoy ocean views and seaside gardens along the

The GUADEC organising team looks forward to hosting the 2019 edition
of GUADEC in Thessaloniki and has launched a website where those
interested in participating can find more information: To stay up-to-date with the latest conference
deadlines, news, activities, and more, follow the GNOME Foundation
mailing lists or @GUADEC and @GNOME on Twitter.
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