2008/12/25 Ian A. Holton <poe...@gmail.com>:

> I do however believe that such a project is a good idea and also believe
> that it being hosted outside of the WMF might even be benefitial and might
> even be worth an organisation itself if the scope is extended to cover more
> than "just" the victims of one regime, others have been already pointed out
> in previous messages.

Yes. I don't want to imply it's a bad idea, it's a good one and could
be done very well. I'm just not convinced it fits WMF.

It could be done very badly indeed, of course. A comparison would be
the network of critic of Scientology websites that formed in the late
1990s (including my own). These are long on factual detail, but are
often so bitterly pissed-off as to be all but unreadable if you don't
already agree.

And there's little educational point to a resource that only targets
those who already agree.

- d.

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