2009/6/8 Brian <brian.min...@colorado.edu>:

> I don't think that's all that's needed. There will be Wikimedians scouring
> the Internet for all free video in all of its forms (of which there is quite
> a lot) and uploading it to Commons. You'll need an entire encoding farm.
> Hard drives are cheap, its true, but redundant storage is less cheap as a
> function of reliability.

Yes, that's true - easily re-encoding proprietary formats to an Ogg on
Commonsn will lead to people loading Commons with lovely video.

Mind you, the Wikimedians could do that with Firefogg.

OTOH, hands up all those who have FF 3.5? (raises hand) And who's
installed Firefogg? (puts hand down)

- d.

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