2009/7/13 Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com>:

> From your text I get the impression that it is something special that we put
> annotations about a work with the digital copy. I would argue that this is
> something that we should do with all our material. The annotations that
> exist about a work, the references to the GLAM (galleries libraries archives
> museums) are as important to us as they are to anyone else. It is in the
> annotations, the rreferences to the GLAM where the original can be found
> that provides the provenance that gives assurance that the image is a
> truthful depiction of whatever it is supposed to be.
> These annotations are as important as citations in our Wikipedia articles.

Absolutely. But if we make a point of it to them that would undoubtedly help.

(c.f. why image restorers should properly be credited, even if their
work does not create a new copyright - it's part of the relevant
history of the image and correctly informs the viewer as to its

- d.

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