On 03/04/2011 03:47 PM, WereSpielChequers wrote:
> creating a secondary datacentre an expensive but logical one.

I agree. Wikipedia's server infrastructure is crazy if you compare it to
any other major site. Any effort to professionalize it and make it more
reliable (not only in terms of preventing frequent short-time outages,
but also in terms of rare events with the potential to bring down
Wikimedia for a longer period) is a good investment.

That being said, my subjective impression is that the function f:
#Employees → "Amount of work that gets done" is increasing significantly
slower than a linear function – which is of course to be expected in any
kind of organization (both to the fact that there's overhead and that
with few employees you can pick low-hanging-fruits and don't have to
tackle projects that are more likely to be difficult or fail). I could
however imagine, that this leads to some frustration in the community.


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