On 7 March 2011 17:02, Mike Godwin <mnemo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Andrew Garrett writes:

> We might be growing, but I don't think anybody in the industry would
>> hesitate to say that we're still "small" and "running on a shoestring
>> budget". The websites that we compete with run budgets in the hundreds
>> of millions to billions of dollars.

> This point can't be overstressed. Compared to organizations running the
> other nine of the top ten websites, Wikimedia Foundation is miniscule, and
> should still be considered so even if/when the Foundation meets the goals
> set in the strategic plan.

Indeed. This thread appears to have been an exercise in:

1. Why Wasn't I Consulted? [1]
2. I wasn't consulted! You set out to ignore me!
3. Therefore, I have the right to troll for months and assume the
worst faith of everyone.
4. In fact, I have a *moral obligation* to make a massive dick of myself.

None of these are, in fact, the case, even a little bit.

- d.

[1] http://www.ftrain.com/wwic.html

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